Bhel Trichy turnover crosses Rs 10,000 crore

Public sector Bhel, Trichy bucked the uncertainty caused by global meltdown last year and achieved another milestone with its turnover crossing Rs 10,000 crore.

Public sector Bhel, Trichy bucked the uncertainty caused by global meltdown last year and achieved another milestone with its turnover
crossing Rs 10,000 crore. Turnover in 2009-10 went up by 34% to Rs 10, 008 crore against Rs 7460 crore in the previous year. Profit before tax spurted by 52% to Rs 2510 crore (Rs 1653 crore). Value added per employee increased to Rs 39.59 lakhs (Rs 29.83 lakhs).

Executive director, A V Krishnan told media conference in Trichy on Friday, "It was a turbulent year with lot of uncertainties. While the Government retained focus on infrastructure, many power projects did not take off. Our turnover crossing $ 2.2 Billion was a big league in our performance. It was due to the best efforts put in by our team and most of products reaching customers in time. We got back 16 customers who earlier preferred Chinese equipment suppliers".

The ED said Bhel, Trichy has become the largest unit of the parent corporation having contributed to 30% of the turnover and 40% of profit last year. More significantly, the unit crossed the turnover mark two years ahead of the vision 2012 target of Rs 10,000 crore.

In tune with the corporation’s plan to scale up installed capacity to 15000 mw last year, the high pressure boiler plant here reached 10,000 mw with an outlay of Rs 732 crore last year.

On top of the Rs 1000 crore capex spent last year including Rs 732 crore by the boiler plant, it has planned a capex of Rs 690 crore this year. This will include Rs 440 crore for the third unit in Trichy and Rs 250 crore on the new pipe unit at Tirumayam in Pudukottai district.

The Trichy complex, set up in 1966, employs over 10,000 persons. Last year, it added 510 artisans, 63 supervisors and 124 executives. In the next two years, it plans to recruit 1000 to 1500 workmen, Mr Krishnan said.

He said last year, it achieved an all time high order booking for Rs 15,875 crore. This increased the outstanding order book position by 23% to Rs 35,000 crore and this will be cleared in the next two to three years.

It got orders for a record number of 55 boilers totalling 16,630 mw in power and industrial sectors. This included three 660 mw supercritical units and six 600 mw boilers besides three 525\500 mw boilers and 18 boilers of 270 mw capacity.

He said, "This year will be a challenging one. Still, we have set a turnover target of Rs 12,765 crore and PBT of Rs 3542 crore. Our physical target is to produce 7 lakh tonnes of boiler components which had increased by one lakh tonnes to five lakh tonnes in 2009-10".

With the capex on hand, it is gearing to augment capacity to 15,000 mw by November- December 2011 in tune with the corporation’s overall plan of 20,000 mw by that time. Besides meeting the growing demand in the power, it will help the unit to supply to other sectors like nuclear and petroleum.

On the export front, last year, the first three consignments, totalling about 6300 tonnes of components for the 2 x 135 mw Koniambo CFBC project in New Caledonia (Australia) were shipped from Karaikal port.

Envisaging great potential for vendors, Mr Krishnan said last year it outsourced four lakh tonnes of boiler structures ( 25% up) from over 500 vendors. Of this, one lakh tonnes came from away centre fabrication units. This year, it plans to outsource 4.5 lakh tonnes and it has asked them to upgrade their capacity.

Asked about Bhel coming to the rescue of critical power situation in Tamil Nadu, the ED said there was no delay from its side as the unit supplied only 40% of the power equipment. Trichy unit has started getting orders from the power projects in the State and it will be supplying for the upcoming plants of TNEB in North Chennai and the one at Udangudi near Tuticorin which is a JV of Bhel and TNEB.
