The Central Zoo Authority of India (CZA) has allocated Rs 19.73 crore to upgrade the Amirithi mini zoo into a small zoo in 20 hectares of land in Thellai reserve forest area in the district.
Approving the proposal sent by conservator of forest of Vellore zone A.V. Venkatachalam in July 2008 to upgrade the mini zoo to make use of tourists’ inflow to the fort city, the CZA has given the nod to the proposal and allocated the fund for the ambitious project.
“The fund will be released in a phased manner. In the first phase, CZA will grant Rs 7.70 crore to develop the basic infrastructure, including construction of compound wall for 2.5 km at Rs 1.5 crore. Within three years, we will complete the construction of the zoo,” Mr Venkatachalam told this newspaper.
The new zoo would be constructed after razing down the existing mini zoo, which was established in 1967 in 10 hectares of land. It would have all infrastructure to ensure the safety of the animals and visitors. Each enclosure of the animals would have withdrawal area, exhibit area and pond. Besides this, the zoo would have food storage, drainage, waste disposal and security system.
A pair of major animals - tiger, leopard, bear, primates and different varieties of snakes, water birds and deer – would be added in the small zoo. Besides this, the existing animals would be retained. At present there are 18 species including deer, crocodile, peacock and snake. “It will also have a full time veterinary doctor, wild life biologist, pharmacist and a caretaker for each animal enclosure. It will also help to treat the injured wild animals from different parts of the district,” said district forest officer of Vellore T.V. Manjunatha.
“The mini zoo has been receiving a total of one lakh visitors per year. We hope, the new zoo will draw more than five lakh visitors per year,” he added.